Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Detour's Takeoff!

Well, I've been semi-public with Detour for a few weeks as I make the website flow the way I want. Just revised the whole Trips section. I'm about ready to roll it out as more than a Beta! That involves a lot of social networking, blah blah blah. Can hardly wait. Feel free to poke around the website and give me any praise or constructive feedback you have for me. Wheeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A letter I wrote for myself, but to someone else

I often write things out to get my own ideas clear... or to work through emotional stuff. That's why I'm blogging. I've been watching Out Youth struggle through another existential crisis. I started writing about it. One of the things I wrote evolved into a letter to the OY Board of Directors - or at least, the Board as I imagine them.

I wrote it from the standpoint of wanting the current conflict to be resolved between all the stakeholders of OY. And it says something about how I imagine myself: not caught up in the conflict, and having a broader perspective that I worry they're missing.

I didn't send it to them. I don't know them or where they're at, so I didn't know whether it would help or hurt. But I sent it to the ED and asked her to share it with the Board if she thinks it could be helpful. If they can make some use of my writing, so much the better.